Over the past two years, The Delaware KIDS Fund has funded two school food pantries in partnership with the Food Bank of Delaware (Richey Elementary and Richardson Park Elementary). When schools were ordered to close in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic access to these pantries became impractical. Furthermore, the need to access food became greater and thousands of Delaware families were forced to quickly adapt in this new climate. We reached out to the Food Bank, listened to their needs and realized there was an opportunity to help.. Simultaneously, the Movies on Tap organizers were identifying ways they could raise funds in a safe and healthy format for the community during this extraordinary time. Movies on Tap is a local fundraising series collaboration between local craft breweries, local non-profits while celebrating classic movies on the big screen. Due to social distancing regulations, the series was put on a brief hiatus with the routine venue temporarily closed (Penn Cinema). Together we agreed to raise COVID-19 response funds for local at-risk children.
On Saturday, April 25 Movies on Tap held their first ever virtual Netflix Watch Party. Nearly 80 donors enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark from the comfort and safety of their own home. By the end of the evening, $4,600 was raised. The Food Bank of Delaware has already turned 100% of those donations into 13,800 Backpack program meals for KIDS across the state! As a reference, with the Food Bank’s purchasing power, they can help provide 3 meals for every $1 raised. The virtual fundraising effort would also not be possible without the support of Spur Impact allowing us to utilize their local crowdfunding web platform at DEGives.org. This software added to the interactive/virtual spirit of our fundraiser.
The Delaware KIDS Fund would like to thank Movies on Tap for coordinating, Bellefonte Brewery for offering beer discounts to donors (21 and over) and most importantly all of the donors who turned this evening into a success! We loved seeing your participation online. Here are some of the highlights from the Movies on Tap Facebook Page.